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sculpture sonore


Cette installation se voudrait être le compte rendu d'une expérience longue et riche d'une marche sur les chemins de St Jacques de Compostelle pendant 21 jours en aout 2014. L'impossibilité apparaît dès l'énoncé.


De cet échec, j'ai créé une pièce, énigmatique. La plaque de polystyrène joue avec la représentation d'un paysage, la proportion du format et la surface imparfaite créent un paysage sans échelle. Le matériaux est choisi pour sa propriété d'amplification. Les micros piezzos sont insérés dans la tranche. Ils diffusent à un niveau très bas des enregistrements de marche et de nature. 

La distance avec l'objet est double, il est monumental, frontal mais pour entendre les sons, il faut se coller à la plaque et ainsi accepter de perdre la vue d'ensemble.

La structure est une pure construction, elle affirme et assume l'artifice, le faux, le tout-construit de cette présentation d'un paysage étrange.

491,2 correspond aux kilomètres parcourus, 21 aux jours de marche.



This installation would like to give an idea of the long and complex experience I had but when I was hiking on the Saint Jacques way for 3 weeks. But how could I summarise such a long, complex, and rich hike into one piece of art ?

The aim is from the start impossible to fulfil.


So this piece is more an object, one and unique but odd which plays with the display used traditionally to show a landscape picture. The speakers are integrated to a polystyrene slab which has the proportion of a landscape painting. The feet, large and massive, underline the partialness of the environment presented by the installation ; the landscape, the cicadas, the bells, the hiker aren't here, it's just a set piece.

Every element is treated as a material ; the wood is usual the construction element, the assembly follows carpentry technics (tenon and mortise). The polystyrene is used, for his sound conductor property, as a speaker (it amplifies the diffusion of the sounds produced by the micro-contact speakers). The polystyrene with his shape could be a painting, the material is as bought in a construction shop, with small defaults on the surface which could be interpreted as a landscape picture. The micro-contact speakers are integrated in the edge of the polystyrene slab, they are hidden inside. The cables which bring the informations to the micro-contact speakers are also used to hang the polystyrene. Every element is linked to the whole.

All in all, it gives a mysterious object.

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